18/12/2018 Providing energetic assistance to the dead - excerpt from Multidimensional Evolution: Personal Explorations of ConsciousnessRead NowLast week I learned that my book Multidimensional Evolution has just come out in Romanian. This is entirely thanks to a Romanian reader who so appreciated the book that she approached a local publisher, who in turn organized the translation and publication. To me this felt especially synchronicitous as one of the psychic phenomena I discuss in the book occurred in Romania. To celebrate the publication of the Romanian edition I here reproduce the relevant extract from the book. The passage describes experiences we can have when providing energetic assistance to others. The particular experience I had in Romania occurred before I had a good understanding of what might happen. It was especially striking for two reasons. First, because of the intensity of the sensations I had coming from the other consciousness, in this case a person who had been violently killed. And second because I actually heard some words in Romanian, a language I do not speak, that I was able to look up and establish as meaningful and related to the experiences. As such this was one of the few experiences I have had that came with something akin to objective evidence and this greatly assisted me at that early stage of learning about multidimensional reality. I hope you enjoy the excerpt. I first had the experience of providing assistance to extraphysical consciousnesses when applying the B-ing meditation I had learnt at Shanti Loka. For two or three years after learning it, I would practice it every day, usually in the mornings. I would either sit in a chair or lie on my bed and go through my different body parts, and then I would hold my awareness of the whole body for a long time before “letting go”. In practicing this technique, I experienced many strange sensations, some of which I already described earlier. But there is one particular sensation I have not yet described in detail. This was the feeling of “being” another person. It could include unfamiliar thoughts running through my head, feelings that just did not seem like mine and sometimes whole scenarios involving relationships with other people and particular life events, none of which had any meaning for me. One of the most intense of these experiences happened while I was travelling in western Romania. I was applying the meditation on my bed in a tiny mountain village when the most intense feeling came over me. I could tell that the person I was sensing was a young man. There was a lot of fear and guilt, and I could tell that he (although it felt more like “me” at the time) had been beaten to death by a group of men because he had raped a young girl. The words, “baci eu” were etched into my mind. A couple of days later, I had the opportunity to check a dictionary and discovered that “baci eu” meant “shepherd I”, both a clue as to the identity of the young man and a comforting indication to my ever questioning mind that the experience was something real. Even though I did not fully understand the process at that point, it was very clear to me on this occasion that I had in some way assisted a “dead” man in releasing old energies. Waldo Vieira has developed both a description and a technical approach relating to this kind of assistance. He refers to the energetic exchange that happens in such instances as a process of sympathetic assimilation and deassimilation of energies that allows one consciousness to take on and transmute the thosenic [thoughts+sentiments+energies] blockages or baggage of another. In this case, this consciousness had been holding on to his energetic body after his violent and fearful death. In practical terms, maintaining his energetic body after his physical body had been deactivated would have meant that he was in a state of highly restricted lucidity, essentially caught in the unpleasant sensations of his last life. The kind of consciousnesses people commonly perceive as “ghosts” or the ones depicted in numerous TV shows as not having entirely “passed over” are examples of people who are still holding on to the dense energetic body from their last physical lifetime. My contribution in Romania was to donate the dense semi-physical energy of my energetic body, which the extraphysical helpers used to liberate this consciousness from his now redundant energosoma, thereby allowing him to move on. For me, and no doubt for many others who practice meditation or energy techniques, this assistance happened spontaneously. I had not deliberately set out to achieve this result, nor did I even understand the process at the time. Conscientiology, however, has developed a technical process of assistance that draws on this dynamic. It is called the Personal Energetic Task, or Penta for short, and it involves a daily commitment to exteriorize energies for 50 minutes for the benefit of other consciousnesses, both intraphysical and extraphysical ones. Just as with my experience in Romania, the energetic exteriorization that occurs during Penta is not driven solely by the intention of the intraphysical practitioner. Instead, the physical person becomes part of a team of extraphysical helpers who specialize in the kind of assistance delivered through Penta, and who guide and manage the process. It is through a practice like Penta that we establish the extraphysical office I mentioned when I described some of the assistance I believe Leia was doing. Over time, our regular energetic exteriorizations will allow the helpers to create such an “office” where they can attend to ill extraphysical and projected intraphysical consciousnesses beyond the brief periods of the actual Penta sessions themselves. The intraphysical consciousness functions primarily as a channel or conductor for the subtle energies of extraphysical specialists. The dense energies carried by the physical human’s energosoma act as a conduit for the extraphysical helpers so that it can provide assistance to other intra- and extraphysical consciousnesses with dense energies. The process described above, of helping people to shed the dense energies of the energosoma after they have gone through the death of the physical body, is one of the direct applications of Penta. As I have already explained, people often instinctively hold on to these energies, largely for psychological reasons such as physical attachments or fear and ignorance about life beyond matter. In the extraphysical dimension, the energetic body is very dense and carries many of the thosenic patterns of the past life. This means that if people carry them around after deactivating their soma, they will continue to feel largely like they did while still in the physical body. In a healthy death, we will shed those energies not long after we shed the physical body and by doing so free ourselves from the restrictions of physical life. We will not be transformed into somebody completely different, but we will enjoy mental and emotional freedom beyond our common human experience, and we will be able to gain greater awareness of our true nature as a multidimensional consciousness. If we hold on to the energies, on the other hand, they will keep us emotionally and mentally stuck in the most intense experiences of our past lives. The shepherd in Romania had been in that situation. The reason I felt his emotions and perceived his memories so directly was because my energies were used to help strip him of his own so that he could move on. For more information on the Penta practice check out my other blog post here. And of course feel free to ask questions or post comments.
23/1/2019 05:40:00 pm
I actually don't know how it really works, but I am glad to see that a person who has the capacity can provide an energetic assistance to other people, especially to those who need it. Of course, it amazes me because I didn't know it was possible. Perhaps, it is because I haven't read "Multidimensional Evolution" yet that's why I know nothing about this matter. But this one interests me and I am so much willing to dig in!
1/2/2019 05:12:38 pm
Thanks for that comment. Of course I'd suggest you read Multidimensional Evolution ;-) but there are a lot of resources on how we can assist others with our energy. Anything that helps you clear your own energies and connect with uplifting and balanced frequencies will allow you to be of benefit to those around you, living and "dead". It's one of the most valuable contributions we can make in life and one that we can incorporate into anything we do, because as long as we are in the world we are emitting energies so we may as well make them good ones.
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AuthorKim McCaul is an anthropologist with a long term interest in understanding consciousness and personal transformation.
About this blogThis blog is about my interests in consciousness, energy, evolution and personal growth. My understanding of consciousness is strongly influenced by the discipline of conscientiology and I have a deep interest in exploring the relationship between culture and consciousness.
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November 2020