If you have come to his article because you have experienced either of the sensations referred to in the title and you were worried about them, the first thing to know is that they are perfectly natural. The trail blazing OBE researcher Robert Monroe spontaneously began experiencing unusual vibrations when he laid down to rest or sleep. He spent some time worrying about his health, both physical and mental, until he realized that the vibrations simply related to the process of separation from his physical body. If you are in that position, you can stop worrying and start exploring the subtle dimensions of life that these sensations relate to.
I started meditating without any desire to explore multidimensionality. I didn’t even realize life was multidimensional. I just wanted to calm my mind. Yet within a very short period of time I experienced vibrations all over my body while in meditation, and developed a pulsation around my third eye that persisted even when I was just going about my daily business. Eventually I came to understand that both those sensations relate to our energetic body. This body is comprised of the energy Eastern traditions refer to as Chi / Qui / Ki. It permeates our physical body, and extends just a bit beyond the limits of our skin. It comprises a complex system that includes channels, like the veins in our body, and distribution or circulation centers known as chakras. Like air this energy is essential to our survival, it is our life force. It has been given a range of English names such as vital energy and etheric energy; in conscientiology it is called bioenergy, the energy of life. Because it is so much subtler than our physical body, we are rarely aware of this part of us. But when we become still and tune into it, or when we take actions to move and develop that body, then we can start to perceive it in a range of ways, including as intense vibrations and pulsations, or subtle tinglings and pinpricks. When I started to study conscientiology, I learned a technique by which to deliberately induce the vibrational state even when I wasn’t meditating. This technique, called the closed circulation of energy, is essentially an exercise of the mind and involves mentally inducing ever-accelerating movement of the energetic body. You start at the top of your head and move the energy all the way down to your feet before returning back to the top, continuing and accelerating that cycle until reaching the vibrational state (you can find a nice illustration of this here). You can do this while laying in your bed, sitting in a restaurant or standing in a cue. I have now practiced this technique for years. Throughout that period my third eye kept pulsating most of time, regardless as to whether I was doing the closed circulation regularly or not. I could be sitting at my desk working, playing in the park with my kids or practicing a meditation, the pulsation of energy around my third eye remained an almost constant companion. Initially I thought it was something really significant, an opening of clairvoyance for example and that any time soon I would become permanently attuned to non-physical dimensions. But a decade and a half later it appears that these pulsations have nothing to do with clairvoyance, and my abilities in that regard remain as haphazard as they ever were. However, I have recently begun to gain a new appreciation of the role of the third eye chakra in our wider energetic system. A meditation technique taught by the Clairvision School works very deliberately with the third-eye chakra, using it as a focus point in exploring our inner world of consciousness. In the course of my still fledgling studies of the Clairvision School’s approach, I decided to combine the focus on the third-eye with the deliberate induction of the vibrational state. Instead of moving energy up and down through my energetic system in the broad sweep of the closed circulation of energies, I have started focusing my full awareness on the pulsations of my third-eye chakra and then extending that pulsation throughout my energetic body. It appears to be a very effective way of inducing the vibrational state. Before long I start to perceive the pulsation in the crown chakra at the top of my head, and the planto-chakras at the centers of my feet and then my entire energetic system enters a subtle but tangible vibrational state. The third-eye chakra has become a switch with which to crank up the volume of the whole energetic body. And if you are wondering why you may want to do that, there are many reasons. If you are an energetically sensitive person, the vibrational state is an excellent technique to balance yourself when you have to deal with dense or challenging environments. It is a technique that helps you reclaim your energetic space and thereby also your mental and emotional space. If you are pursuing out-of-body travels, inducing the vibrational state while lying down in a relaxed position can cause the separation of your subtle psychosoma (astral body) from the physical body. And if you are interested in working more closely with non-physical helpers, regular vibrational states will help you develop an energetic micro-climate in which helpers can provide greater assistance to both physical and non-physical people in need who cross your path. So if you are already experiencing the subtle sensations of your energetic body I encourage you to explore and develop them. And if all of this seems very abstract to you because you don’t think you have ever experienced any of the things I am talking about, but you are still reading this, I encourage you to try working with your energy and experience it for yourself.
On 14 September I gave a talk at the Cosmic Pages Bookstore (Adelaide) about some of the concepts discussed in my new book. The talk touched on projections of consciousness, the impact of pathological karmic relationships and ways of healing them, the benefits of providing assistance and other ideas. While I followed some key themes I also responded to numerous questions and comments so the talk moves across topics a fair bit. The recording does not capture the sound of all of the questions, so below is a brief summary of the main topics discussed and the questions asked. I have noted the times on the recording so you can skip to points of interest. 0 min -1:20 min Opening and definition of multidimensional evolution
@ 1:25 min Question as to whether evolution results in a loss of individual consciousness and an assumption or merging with some form of collective consciousness @ 2:20min Discussion of the concept of universalism 4:12min - 5:00min Question about how the concept of universalism sits with the need for division of labour @ 5:00 Thinking about how past lives change our perspective, seeing this moment both as the result of our past and the beginning of our future beyond this life @ 7:50 Briefly explain a meditation technique and the effects I experienced when first applying it, including profound energetic clearing and perceptions of non-physical beings. @ 11:55 Question asked whether the experiences I was having were a form of energetic clearing @ 12:40min Challenge of bringing new energetic sensitivity into everyday life @ 13:55min -16:40min Introduction of the idea of a "walk-in" @ 17:40min - 18:55 Account of experiencing intrusion during a projection @19:00min Realisation that I was experiencing intrusion relating to a previous life and the process of healing Question at 19:20min whether I thought the intrusion was by a version of myself from a previous life @21:10min Introducing a Buddhist meditation on death @24:00min Introducing the concept of karmic groups, ego-karma, group-karma and poly-karma @26:05min Question about children being part of ones karmic group @28:50min Question whether I would have suffered the same kind of intrusion of the consciousness in question had forgiven me at the time. @30:05min Question whether the intruder who I detached from might now latch onto someone else. @31:20min Comment on the importance of combining inner work and outer work @32:05min Question as to whether some very successful people who started from humble and difficult beginnings might be walk-ins @34:30min discuss process by which we recuperate our awareness after re-birth every life @37.10min discuss how an unhealthy death can turn us into unconscious intruders @38:10min Question as to whether it is possible for a consciousness to be in several locations at the same time and a follow up question about bilocation @40:40min Comment made about someone who does distant healing and was seen energetically by a patient in their bedroom. Someone else makes a comment about parateleportation (see my previous blog article on that topic) @42:20min Question as to why a soul would want to occupy a body that does really bad and cruel things @43:50min Question about how things done in accordance with a particular cultural norm can be evil (the example was human sacrifices in mesoamerican cultures) @45:10min Question about my views on self-destructive behaviour and destructive behaviour generally @49:20min In response to a question about changes happening on planet earth I discuss the concept of multidimensional reurbanization. I mention an article on the topic which you can access here |
AuthorKim McCaul is an anthropologist with a long term interest in understanding consciousness and personal transformation.
About this blogThis blog is about my interests in consciousness, energy, evolution and personal growth. My understanding of consciousness is strongly influenced by the discipline of conscientiology and I have a deep interest in exploring the relationship between culture and consciousness.
Have some inputI am often inspired by comments and questions from other people, so if there is something that interests you drop me a line and I will see if I can write something about the topic.
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November 2020