Reurbanization. In its everyday intraphysical sense, reurbanization refers to the act of renovating a suburb, a city block, a public space, a disused industrial estate, or even an entire rural town. Reurbanization is usually aimed at creating a more harmonious, organised and pleasant environment. In the form of “gentrification”, it can lead to the displacement of one population of lower socio-economic status who are replaced by others of greater wealth, creating or exacerbating social tensions and inequalities. This is an unintentional yet frequent side-effect of reurbanization that highlights the challenge of creating win-win situations in the intraphysical dimension, or deficiencyland (Vieira 2003:175). Reurbex. Extraphysical or para-reurbanization (reurbex) refers to the renovation and improvement of extraphysical communities, in particular those that are sick and populated by consciousnesses dominated by anti-cosmoethical, pathological and stagnant thosenes (units of THoughts + SENtiments + Energy). According to Vieira (2003), there are billions of parapsychotic post-desomas around planet Earth, i.e. consciexes in a disturbed mental and emotional state, unaware of their true extraphysical condition. They have spent centuries in extraphysical dimensions without experiencing the impact of a fresh biological rebirth, and are consequently living under the biological conditioning of their last intraphysical life. Entrenched. The pathological communities of these parapsychotic consciexes have developed rigid, entrenched, fossilized, dense holothosenes (the collective of thosenes created by the community) that occupy the extraphysical "spaces" around planet earth. These holothosenic "spaces" are established and maintained by the accumulation of the individual holothosenes of their extraphysical inhabitants. Para-reurbanization focuses on the renovation of these thosenic “spaces” or energetic “bubbles”, which is essentially what these extraphysical communities represent. Pressure. Such communities are found all over the planet in parallel with intraphysical life, over which their holothosenes exert subtle yet powerfully deleterious pressure and stagnating influences, because thosenic energy transcends dimensions. In other words, the presence of these dense energies surrounding planet earth impacts on the mental and emotional well-being of intraphysical consciousness and inhibits the flow of energies from more evolved, healthy, expansive dimensions to the physical. Para-reurbanization is aimed at alleviating this holothosenic pressure on intraphysical life and creating an extraphysical environment in proximity to the physical dimension that is more propitious for the presence of evolved consciousnesses. Removals. Consequently, extraphysical reurbanization requires the compulsory removal of the pathological consciousnesses who have been occupying and maintaining the sick extraphysical communities through their thosenes, often for centuries or even millennia. Such removals will take them either:
Commitment. Vieira suggests that extraphysical reurbanizations have taken place throughout history, but for the most part on a small scale, sporadically and for localised purposes. They have never led to a definitive eradication of the deep-rooted parapathologies that have accumulated over the millennia. Today, by contrast, a multitude of highly evolved extra-terrestrial consciousnesses, who have never had an intraphysical life on this planet, are committed to the methodical disbandment of the morbid extraphysical communities weighing upon humanity and terrestrial extraphysical life. Resoma. For a consreu, being reborn on intraphysical earth means being exposed to a variety of holothosenes that one has not experienced for centuries or millennia, because one has spent all that time embedded in an extraphysical dimension composed solely of those who shared the same close-minded, fixated or fundamentalist view-point and holothosene. Challenges. Because the energetic patterns or holothosenes in the intraphysical dimension are so very different from the one in which the consreus were immersed for long periods of human history, resoma presents a true shock. The consreus are likely to experience many challenges and events that, from the physical perspective, may look like setbacks and mishaps, but are simply the result of thosenic incompatibility between the consciousness and its environment. Mismatch. There is a mismatch between the new intraphysical energetic fields into which the consreu-conscin has been reborn, and the holothosene of his or her long-standing extraphysical companions from the previous intermissive period, with whom he or she remains energetically entangled. This makes it very difficult to adapt to the new intraphysical reality, entailing a number of problems, including the following: · Accident proneness · Anti-social tendencies · Environmental vandalism · Escapism / Life avoidance · Extreme emotional instability · Irrational antagonism · Melin (intraphysical melancholy) · Premature desoma · Social isolation · Suicidal tendencies Fundamentalism. Upon resoma, a conscreu is likely to fall victim to existential self-mimicry, i.e. the conscious or (more commonly) unconscious repetition of behaviours, tendencies and resultant experiences, often painful, from previous intraphysical life-times. These same behaviours and tendencies are also likely to have dominated and been repeated ad nauseum during their last intermissive period, on a kind of mental and emotional loop. Thus, the hypothesis that there is currently occurring a wholesale rebirth of consreus provides a logical explanation for the seeming increase in adherents of fundamentalist and aggressive religions, sects of all denominations and political movements. Middle Ages. Some recent world events are quite literally reminiscent of the middle ages, complete with propaganda evoking the crusades and other “holy wars”. The para-reurbanization hypothesis similarly explains the hardening of narrow minded and sectarian thinking in the realms of politics (nationalism, totalitarianism), science (materialism), society (racism, anti-environmentalism) as well as the rapid population growth and dramatic demographic changes taking place on the planet. Healing. According to the hypothesis of para-reurbanization, there will be no sudden ascension, no immediate global transformation and no Saviour as believed, prayed and hoped for by religious and spiritual movements for centuries. Yes, transformation is occurring. But it is a slow and often painful process, involving the healing, without escapism or by-passing, of the accumulated pathologies in our collective holothosene. It is a mega-assistential undertaking requiring the contribution of millions of us, both intra- and extraphysically. Reference Vieira, W. 2003. Homo Sapiens Reurbanisatus. Foz do Iguaçu: Editares
Joanna Flowering Whirlwind
27/12/2019 03:13:29 am
Great article and loved neologisms!!
27/12/2019 06:21:39 pm
Thanks for your comment Joanna, glad that it builds on your existing understanding and yes there is a lot of shadow to heal and a lot of us needed to help.
Damien Hickman
19/6/2020 01:03:23 pm
17/6/2021 01:53:42 pm
Great post.
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AuthorKim McCaul is an anthropologist with a long term interest in understanding consciousness and personal transformation.
About this blogThis blog is about my interests in consciousness, energy, evolution and personal growth. My understanding of consciousness is strongly influenced by the discipline of conscientiology and I have a deep interest in exploring the relationship between culture and consciousness.
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November 2020