16/12/2019 Where were the 45th American President and the people who think he was sent by God before they were born?Read NowA Facebook friend recently wrote a thoughtful and optimistic post about the possibility of bringing human connection and empathy into politics. He was actually focused on the English election, but the subsequent discussion took a surprising turn when some participants started talking about the current American President’s spiritual mission to save the US from socialism. Among other things it was suggested he was a reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson, an early 19th century US President, and doing the work of God. I was not aware that his supporters have beliefs about the president’s prior reincarnations. I then googled the question and discovered others believe he is a reincarnation of George Washington and others again (I don’t think they are supporters) that he was a Mexican revolutionary who became disillusioned with politics. While I have no doubt that the consciousness currently expressing itself as the 45th President of the United States has had many previous lives, including others of power, I have no insight into and no real interest in his multi-existential biography. By contrast, the discussion really made me think about the people who believe their current President has been sent by a god. That is a belief I have now seen expressed on numerous occasions, both in messages on social media and in media interviews with Republican voters. It appears there are many thousands of people who genuinely believe this. And to an extreme where one such believer (in the Facebook thread) spoke about following the President to hell and back if there were another civil war in the US. These are powerful beliefs and projections on an individual leader, and they may seem completely irrational until we look at the multidimensional picture. From that perspective we know that prior to our most recent birth we were in an extraphysical dimension with like-minded folks, i.e. with people whose overall patterns of thoughts, emotions and resultant energy (what conscientiology calls the thosene i.e. THOught + SENtiment + Energy) are close enough to ours to allow us to coexists in a shared consensus reality or extraphysical dimension. In other words, non-physical dimensions are based on energetic frequencies created by the consciousnesses who inhabit them. Accounts by out-of-body explorers consistently describe communities, vast cities and entire “countries” occupied by people who share common systems of belief, religious or otherwise, about the nature of their particular world. People with strongly ingrained religious or cultural patterns tend to group together, as do people with broadly open and universalistic perspectives of life. People embroiled in inter-generational conflicts or patterns of subjugation and power continue to play them out beyond the physical dimension. One of the beautiful and challenging aspects of physical life is that it brings us all together. Whether we were in extraphysical “hell” (energetically really dense dimensions in which we are caught in our own suffering and pathological cycles of relating with those around us) or “heaven” (expansive and ecstatic dimensions where we feel our connection to all of life and know our creative purpose) or somewhere in between, here in physical life we can be neighbours, class mates, work colleagues and sit next to each other in a movie or on the bus. Such coexistence does not happen extraphysically, where we are largely restricted to others “like us”. It is one of the things that makes physical life such a unique learning and growth opportunity. But of course, we also gravitate to like-minded consciousnesses when we are in the physical dimension and in fact many of our friends and people we resonate with here are people we know (but have temporarily forgotten we know) from our extraphysical homes. The most tangible experiences of this in my own life was through my relationship with the conscientiology community. The first conscientiology book I picked up was the Existential Programme Manual by Waldo Vieira about living your life purpose. The book is full of neologisms and Waldo’s writing style is very unusual. For a lot of people his books are hard work, but to me all the concepts in the book seemed incredibly familiar. Reading it felt like I was simply remembering things I already knew, rather than learning something new. Subsequently I spent time with various conscientiological organisations and I had frequent experiences of already knowing many of the people I was working with. Of course the same applies to all other significant relationships, but the sense is heightened when it involves a community doing energy work and focused on multidimensionality. And there is something powerful about a sense that we are engaged with a group of people around a common purpose and know, or at least have occasional insights about the fact, that we arranged aspects of this purpose before we were born into this particular physical existence. In the case of conscientiology, the overarching drive of the individuals drawn to it was around the exploration of consciousness and the creation of educational tools to help us all live with greater awareness of our multidimensional nature. From out-of-body exploration we know that any group task focused around assistance, whether it is providing food to people in need or clarifying people about multidimensional life, has a large extraphysical support team and involves intraphysical and extraphysical people, who have known each other across dimensions and life-times, working in cooperation (with the intraphysical team usually being largely unconscious of this). Whether we think about Jesus and his disciples, Ghandi or Martin Luther King and those closest to them, or any other spiritual leader and their entourage, they did not meet in the intraphysical dimension for the first time, nor by coincidence. Groups of people who make significant impacts in this dimension have prepared for this before they were born. By his own account, one of the reasons Waldo Vieira assumed his rather striking persona (big white beard and always dressed in white) was to evoke memories in people who had met him in the extraphysical dimension before they were born, because there he had had the same persona. But such prior connections are not confined to so-called spiritual figures in history. They are equally true for leaders of large social, political and economic movements and their collaborators, followers and supporters, even if completely unconscious. And not just those who make positive impacts on this planet, but also consciousnesses like the leaders of Nazi Germany or any other group of people who come together to wield power over others, manipulate or divide. They too knew each other before their birth. Thinking about the people who consider the American President to have been sent by God, it struck me that of course it is not just those who work closest together who have links across dimensions, but also the adoring masses, drawn into a kind of hypnotic trance by a charismatic leader. They may not have ever gotten close to the consciousness manifesting as the current leader, but there is a very high chance that they were already under the trance of such an autocratic leader before they were reborn. Because there are many extraphysical dimensions that are literally run like kingdoms and dictatorships, in which millions of consciousnesses play out some of the most ancient power dynamics on this planet where one or a few rule the many. So this is a familiar and appealing dynamic for those of us in the physical dimension whose most recent intermissive period (period between lives) was in such a dimension. The very concept of a divinely appointed ruler is a clear give-away that we are dealing with a cohort whose last residence was an extraphysical dimension still stuck in ancient and fossilized thoughts and emotions that see nation state based divine rulership as a reality. In that dimension, these thoughts and emotions may have been directed at the current American President in his then extraphysical form, or to someone else who exuded the same kind of autocratic energy and appealingly divisive rhetoric. The precise details are not as important as the underlying mindset. What we are witnessing in the US and a number of other countries, is the rising to power of consciousnesses who have come to this dimension from extraphysical homes that resemble dictatorships and absolute monarchies, with versions of beliefs in the divine supremacy of their rulers and extremely antagonistic thoughts and emotions towards any kind of “other”; be it another religion, nationality, race or way of thinking.
If we have come from dimensions that emphasise universal fraternity and the ultimate equality of all consciousness, then reading about or communicating with people who firmly hold beliefs that make them look for divine rulers to guide world affairs is likely to make us feel very confused. It can seem like we are encountering a parallel universe that we can’t quite fathom, and in a way that is exactly what is happening. Extraphysically we would never meet people with such views, other than briefly for assistantial purposes, because we would be in different dimensions. But here we coexist and the question is how to do so in the most beneficial way. How to resist antagonistic and autocratic beliefs and actions while staying true to the principles of fraternity, universality and peace-building and not being overwhelmed by the hostile holothosenes of these reurbanized consciousnesses (a concept I discuss in a dedicated blog post)? The answer lies in meticulous self-care, energetic, mental and emotional, and a dedicated focus on multidimensional assistance so we stay connected with the uplifting energies of the extraphysical helpers who are working tirelessly to assist our collective processes of evolution across all dimensions. We are not here to argue with or try to convince the believers in divine rulership of the irrationality of their views; for the most part this would be utterly counter-productive. We are here to provide an energetic counterbalance and, to paraphrase Buckminster Fuller, rather than fight the socio-economic political system we see destroying the planet, create the universalistic and ethically advanced system we want to see, thereby gradually making the existing one obsolete. This does not mean there is no place for resistance or calling out destructive behaviours. That too is important. But in doing so we need to be mindful of our energy and maintain our focus on compassion and deep connection to ourselves, because ultimately what we are dealing with is a gradual transformation of consciousness and that requires as many of us as possible to hold that space for all of us.
1 Comment
11/4/2024 02:35:32 pm
Thanks for this thoughtful and provocative essay. All true of course, but it's worth pondering from time to time.
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AuthorKim McCaul is an anthropologist with a long term interest in understanding consciousness and personal transformation.
About this blogThis blog is about my interests in consciousness, energy, evolution and personal growth. My understanding of consciousness is strongly influenced by the discipline of conscientiology and I have a deep interest in exploring the relationship between culture and consciousness.
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